Ban Ki-moon, the city's antique shop

October 10, 2014 - on the occasion of the visit, which performed to our country on 10 and 11 October, the President was accompanied by the government.

Geographic Location

The town of Mahdia (and it is called the city of parentheses) on the east coast of central Tunisia which is about isthmus extending into the sea.

The Punic Port or Old Port of Mahdia

This port is located in a depression between the hills of Sidi Jabeur and the Borj El Kebir on the south coast of the peninsula of Mahdia.


The town of Mahdia after the -200 you- Nunes from the city on the east coast near the port of Phoenician.

Mahdia's History

The city of Mahdia second succession by African capitals While successive historical periods known since ancient times.

Tunisia: Deployed the largest flag in the world

Tunisians have made Saturday a flag the size of 19 football pitches to beat the record of largest flag in the world.



lundi 4 mai 2015

Tunisia: Deployed the largest flag in the world

Under the auspices of Ministry of Tourism, Tunisians have made Saturday a flag the size of 19 football pitches to beat the record of "largest flag in the world." A "patriotic" event which must also promote tourism, according to its organizers, but raises new controversy.

Hundreds of people attended a ceremony Jmel Ong, in the governorate of Nafta, in which soldiers saluted the flag as the national anthem rang. On the program, DJ, Miss Tunisia, press officers of Nidaa Tounes, especially gilded youth of Tunis. Even the singer Najet Attia resumed service for this occasion.

"The biggest, the most majestic and most beloved flag in the world was successfully deployed today Saturday, May 2" welcomes the page dedicated to the "Ahna Tunes" event. More than 12 tons of fabric and 10 hectares, "104,544 square meters, and more than 7,000 Tunisians who paid tribute to the feat of Tunisia until late at night." Fans of gigantism and superlatives, the organizers announced live that the flag is offered to the city of Tozeur, adding that a "sanctuary will be devoted to this adventure and to tell visitors worldwide a handful of the feat craftsmen have achieved. "

Germany, the United States, Morocco in 2012 and Qatar in 2013 had indeed realized the same non-original idea, but the execution of which was made in perfectly homogeneous colors, not based assemblies motley red.

Capture satellite biggest flag deploy at Ong Jmel:

vendredi 1 mai 2015

Wochenmarkt - Skifa el Kahla -Freitagsmarkt

Die Stadt Mahdia liegt reizvoll auf einer felsigen Halbinsel am Cap Afrique. Das riesige Stadttor Skifa el Kahla, das Wahrzeichen Mahdias, kündet von der großen Vergangenheit der alten Residenzstadt. Ein großes Erlebnis ist der Besuch des Wochenmarktes, der jeden Freitag stattfindet und Menschen aus der ganzen Region anlockt. 
Unzählige Marktbesucher drängen sich durch die mit Verkaufsständen gesäumten Gassen. In der großen Markthalle werden vor allem Gemüse, Fleisch und Waren des täglichen Gebrauchs verkauft. Abseits des Marktes ist vom geschäftigen und hektischen Treiben nichts mehr zu spüren. In der Medina herrscht eine gemächliche Ruhe, die nur von den Gebetsrufen des Muezzins unterbrochen wird. Das Stadttor mit seinem tunnelartigen Durchgang von 44 Metern Länge führt wieder aus der Medina hinaus. Da viele Touristen diesen Tunnel durchschreiten, ist er ein lohnenswerter Standort für Souvenir-Händler.

ein großes Dankeschön an Peter Menzel und Michael Donner